City of Westlake
View a listing of the City of Westlake's events at our City Calendar.
Westlake Recreation Center
View a listing of upcoming events specifically at the Recreation Center by visiting our Recreation Center Calendar.
2016 Rain and Garden Show
The City of Westlake Department of Engineering and Westlake Watershed Group will be hosting our 5th Annual Rain & Garden Show on Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. at the Westlake Recreation Center to promote storm water quality. Discover eco-friendly products, new ideas and advice from our local experts in landscaping, gardening and healthy living plus local food vendors, bounce houses and crafts for the kids and more! This is a FREE event. Learn more about the Rain and Garden Show
Community Services Named as a Program of Excellence for 2015
The Westlake Center for Community Services was recognized on February 11, 2016 by the National Council on Aging’s National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC) as one of its 2015 Programs of Excellence for its highly successful Sponsorship Breakfast Program. The annual recognition honors outstanding efforts made by senior centers across the nation to offer innovative, creative, and replicable programs for older adults. Read press release
Westshore Regional Community Emergency Response Team
The Westshore Regional Community Emergency Response Team is offering free classes on several disaster preparedness topics. The 20-hour FEMA course is conducted by local safety professionals.
Teens are welcome. Westshore residents who are over 18 years of age, successfully complete training, and pass a background check are eligible for team membership.
Team membership is not required to participate in the free training. Visit for more program and team information.
All disasters are local. Do your part to keep your family and our neighborhoods safe and prepared. To register or for more information contact WSC Coordinator
Tricia Granfors at (440) 716-4135 or Space is limited.
Training begins Saturday, October 3. The five consecutive Saturday morning classes will be held at St. John Medical Center and the Westlake Service Center from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
For more infomation click here
Bay Village/Westlake Police Departments Explorer
The Bay Village and Westlake Police Departments are starting a Law Enforcement Exploring program on Wednesday,
November 12, at 7 pm, Bay Village Police Department- 28000 Wolf Road, Bay Village 44140. The program is
open to all young men and ladies, 14 to 20 years old interested in a career in all areas of law enforcement.
For more infomation click here
For Registration Form click here
Surplus Vehicles and Equipment Legal Ad
The city of Westlake and the Westlake Police Department will dispose of certain forfeited, confiscated, obsolete and surplus items through the online auction service.
Items will be added the first week of every month as they become available throughout the year. To view the legal ad, click here
Rumpke Trash and Recycling Service Provider
Rumpke is the new residential trash and recycling service provider for the city of Westlake. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rumpke at 1-800-828-8171. For a flyer relating to the transition to
Rumpke services, please
click here.
Westlake Community Time Plaza
The city's town clock was erected in 2011 in recognition of Westlake's Bicentennial. Anyone wishing to commemorate a memory or greeting can
purchase an engraved brick to be installed at the Westlake Community Time Plaza. Cost per brick is $50. Bricks can
be purchased at City Hall or at the Recreation Center. Please call 440-871-3300 with any questions. For a brick form,
click here.
Leaf Humus and Wood Chips
Leaf humus and wood chips are available through the Westlake Service Department. For pricing information, click here.
To access a copy of the waiver agreement for humus and wood chip delivery,
click here
Prescription Pill Drop Box
A prescription (and over the counter drug) pill drop box has been mounted
to the concrete near the main Westlake Police Department entrance. It is available year-round for people to discard their expired or unwanted pills (no liquids or needles).
Founders' Walk Bricks
To view the brick location map for the Bicentennial Founders' Walk at Clague Park, click here.
Additional Recycling Locations
Residents may utilize three locations in the city for larger recycling items. The recycling dumpsters are located at the Westlake Police Station, Meadowood Golf Course and Clague Playhouse.
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
EAB is an invasive wood boring beetle that feeds on the tissues under the bark of ash trees. EAB is not a threat to human health but does threaten our forest and urban tree populations. A tree that has been attacked by EAB can die within 2-4 years. EAB has been reported in Westalke. Signs of EAB include: sudden fading of an ash tree's crown, D-shaped holes where the adult beetles have emerged, vertical splits in the tree bark and increased woodpecker feeding. If you have an ash tree and it has any of these signs, please contact Urban Forestry Manager Stan Barnard at 440-835-6432. For additional information, click here.
Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)
The RAD System is a proven program that teaches women realistic self-defense tactics and techniques. The RAD System is a comprehensive course designed exclusively for women. The course begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance and then progresses to the basics of hands-on defense training.
The class is offered to women who live and/or work in the city of Westlake and is taught at the Westlake Police Department by Chris Schumann, a certified RAD Instructor. Click here for additional information and for an application.
Coyote Notice
The Westlake Police Department would like Westlake residents to be educated about coyote sightings and encounters. Coyotes as well as many other fur-bearing animals are common in Westlake. For more information, click here .
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Clague Playhouse
The mission of Clague Playhouse is to present quality entertainment, to provide an educational environment for all ages through the art of theater, and to serve community needs in providing cultural arts awareness. Located at 1371 Clague Road in Westlake, Ohio, the playhouse offers a variety of plays/musicals throughout the year. Click here to view the Clague Playhouse website and to stay up-to-date on what's happening at the playhouse!
Mulch volcanoes can kill trees
Mulch can seriously harm your trees. For expert information, click here.
Fire Detector Program
For information regarding the Westlake Fire Department Utilitag And Smoke Detector Program, click here.
Wet or Flooded Basement Brochure Available
A brochure titled "Mitigating Wet or Flooded Basements" has been compiled by the Westlake Engineering Department. The brochure offers an explanation of Westlake sewer systems and other information that may help prevent or solve problems with water in basements. To access this brochure, click here.
Proper Disposal of Medicine
For information on the how to properly dispose of unwanted medicine, click here.
Rain Gardens for Everyone
 Westlake dedicated a "Rain Garden" at the Westlake Recreation Center Park, NW of gazebo, in April 2007. Homeowners are encouraged to create their own rain garden and several informational guides have been created and are available at this website.
For the leaflet Rain Garden for Homeowners, click here.
For the booklet Rain Garden Manual for Homeowners click here.
For the brochure, Create Your Own Rain Garden in Six Easy Steps, click here.
2015 Rain & Garden Show
The City of Westlake, Department of Engineering Dept will be hosting our 4th Annual Rain and Garden Show. This event is to raise awareness on water quality issues and
to promote eco-friendly products and other environmentally green alternatives. Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 10:00 am – 2:00pm at the Westlake Recreation Center.
To view the “2014 Rain and Garden Show" presentations please Click Here.
Tree City USA
Once again the City of Westlake has been named a Tree City USA. Tree City USA began in 1976. This program, sponsored by the National Association of State Foresters and the USDA Forest Service, has grown to be the leading community forestry recognition program in the country. Mayor Clough congratulated Stan Barnard, Westlake Urban Forestry Manager, the forestry crew and Gayle HIll, Service Dept. Administrative Assistant for their efforts in again obtaining this recognition.
ACBC Collection Containers
Two Aluminum Cans for Burned Children (ACBC) recycling containers are in place behind the Red Brick Building on Dover Center Road and also in front of the Westlake Police Station for those residents who wish to drop off their aluminum cans.
Balazs sculpture The sculpture that sets in the small park area on the southwest corner of Hilliard and Dover Center is an original work of art designed and executed by sculptor Harold Balazs. The piece, of brushed stainless steel, 16 feet in diameter, on a 4 foot base, was commissioned by the Westlake-Westshore Arts Council and presented to the city. Recently, lights were installed that provide a dramatic night view. For details and to view a photo, click here.
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