Engineering Department
27700 Hilliard Boulevard
Westlake, OH 44145
Phone: 440.617.4145
Fax: 440.617.4189
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The Engineering Department is responsible for the general engineering requirements of the city. The department implements all plans and programs relating to city infrastructure including storm and sanitary sewers, structures, roadways, sidewalks and other improvements. The department also coordinates traffic engineering and grant estimation as well as plat books, easements and deeds.
Staff members provide technical engineering services in design, inspection, contract administration, complaint investigation and plan review and offer advice to residents in the areas of general grading, drainage and construction. The department also provides technical support to all city departments on any infrastructure-related areas.
Robert P. Kelly, P.E.
Staff also includes a design engineer, a grant coordinator, draftsmen, inspectors, and administrative assistants to assist the director.
To view the Standard Construction Details Index,
click here.
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Informational Brochure Available
The Westlake Engineering Department has compiled a brochure that offers an explanation of Westlake sewer systems and other information that may help prevent or solve problems with water in basements. To access this bView brochure
Flood Information:
PowerPoint presentation about Sanitary Investigation It was discussed at the Committee of the Whole meeting held on Thursday, February 11, 2016.
October 29, 2015 PowerPoint presentation about the Master Detention Basin Study This Committee Meeting discussed the R.E. Warner Storm Water Study and recent flooding events.
PowerPoint presentation form the July 14, 2015 Sanitation and Sewer committee meeting This Committee Meeting discussed the R.E. Warner Storm Water Study and recent flooding events.
PowerPoint presentation regarding 2012 Flood Mitigation
PowerPoint presentation regarding 2011 Drainage and Basement Flooding
Flooding information from the Cuyahoga County Board of Health
PowerPoint presentation for the Basement Flooding Meeting, Ward 4 This meeting was held at Westlake City Hall on March 24, 2011.
PowerPoint presentation for the Basement Flooding Meeting, Lower Dover This meeting was held at Westlake City Hall on March 16, 2011.
PowerPoint presentation for the Bassetment Flooding Meeting, May 12, 2014 This meeting was held at Westlake City Hall on June 10, 2014.
PowerPoint presentation for the May 12, 2014 rain event and possible retention basin expansions This Committee Meeting was held at Westlake City Hall on October 8, 2014.

2016 Rain & Garden Show
The City of Westlake Department of Engineering and Westlake Watershed Group will be hosting our 5th Annual Rain & Garden Show on Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. to promote storm water quality. Come join us at the Westlake Recreation Center to discover Eco-friendly products, new ideas and advice from our local experts in landscaping, gardening and healthy living. This year we will be expanding to include local food vendors along with bounce houses and crafts for the kids. We also will be having a guest appearance from Sky Zone’s very own Jumper the Kangaroo! The Westlake Engineering Department staff will be present to give advice on drainage and flooding issues. Remember this is a free event so come on out and visit with us and our awesome vendors.
Rain & Garden Show Flyer
2016 4th-8th Grade Poetry Contest
The City of Westlake and Westlake Water Shed Group are asking for 4th-8th Grade Students to participate in our “Going Green” poetry contest. The submitted poems will be judged by the public at the 2016 Rain and Garden Show. The winners of each group will receive Sky Zone Passes!! All entries need to be submitted to Westlake City Hall, Department of Engineering or scanned in and emailed to by Tuesday, March 22, 2016.Poetry Contest Entry Form
Westlake Watershed Group
We want YOU for the Westlake Watershed Group, a citizen committee that helps protect the quality of our waterways. Current members range from residents to public officials, who all have the common goal of Going Green. Feel free to attend our next meeting on Friday, April 22, 2016 at 7:30 A.M. at Westlake City Hall. Breakfast is provided.
2015 Rain & Garden Coloring Contest
This year the City asked our elementary students to participate in a coloring contest. The winners will have a pole banner made of their art work and hung outside their school.
We had two categories; 1st & 2nd Grade and 3rd & 4th Grade.
The winners for the 1st & 2nd grade category:
1St Place, Devyani of Bassett Elementary
2nd Place, Zuzana of Hilliard Elementary
The winners for the 3rd & 4th grade category are as follows:
1st Place, George of Saint Bernadette
2nd Place, Coral of Saint Bernadette
Rain Barrel Workshop, 3/19/11
On March 19, 2011, the Engineering Department hosted a Rain Barrel Workshop at the Westlake Recreation Center. Presenters demonstrated how to install a rain barrel and explained how the rain barrels are beneficial to the environment.
View video from the workshop
Homeowner Rain Garden Information Westlake dedicated a "Rain Garden" at the Westlake Recreation Center Park, NW of gazebo, in April 2007. Homeowners are encouraged to create their own rain garden and several informational guides have been created and are available at this website.
Rain Garden for Homeowners leaflet
Rain Garden Manual for Homeowner booklet
Create Your Own Rain Garden in Six Easy Steps brochure
Service, Streets, Sidewalks, Road Drains Committee Meeting on Nov. 23, 2015 View the PowerPoint presentation
Center Ridge/Canterbury Roundabout Details
Water Quality Restoration Project Details
Detroit Road Corridor View information on the Detroit Road Corridor Study
None at this time.
DETROIT ROAD RESURFACING CUY-254-0.00 PID 95891 - Bid was opened on Tuesday, March 15, 2016. On March 17, 2016 City Council approved The Shelly, Co. as the low bidder. See Bid Tabs
2016 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT AND ROADWAY REHABILITATION – BRADLEY ROAD - Bid was opened on Thursday, March 10, 2016. On March 17, 2016 City Council approved DiGioia Suburban as the low bidder. See Bid Tabs
CANTERBURY RD & DETROIT RD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS - Bid was opened on Thursday, February 25, 2016. On March 3, 2016 City Council approved Mr. Excavator as the low bidder. See Bid Tabs
2016 PAVEMENT CRACK AND JOINT SEALING HOT APPLIED - Bid was opened on Tuesday, February 23, 2016. On March 3, 2016 City Council approved Aero-Mark as the low bidder. See Bid Tabs
2016 CONCRETE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION WITH ASPHALT OVERLAY AND CATCH BASIN REHAB VARIOUS STREETS - Bid was opened on Tuesday, February 23, 2016. On March 3, 2016 City Council approved Chagrin Valley Paving, Inc. as the low bidder. See Bid Tabs
2016 ASPHALT PAVEMENT REHABILITATION WITH ASPHALT OVERYLAY SCHWARTZ AND WALTER ROAD - Bid was opened on Tuesday, February 23, 2016. On March 3, 2016 City Council approved Specialized Construction, Inc. as the low bidder. See Bid Tabs
2016 Asphalt Pavement Rehabilitation with Asphalt Overlay on Various Streets
The City of Westlake will contract out a bid to preform pavement rehabilitation on Schwartz Rd. and Walter Rd. The Schwartz Rd. (Center Ridge Rd to Hilliard Blvd) contract will include the repair of any damaged pavement or drainage structures. Once the repairs are complete, the contractor will then provide a full depth asphalt overlay to the entire roadway along with a new thickened edge to slightly widen the roadway. Walter Rd. (Westwood to Maple Ridge Rd.) contract amounts will be split between North Olmsted and Westlake. Walter Rd. will include the repair of any damaged pavement or drainage structures. Once the repairs are complete the contractor will then provide a full depth asphalt overlay to the entire roadway along with a new thickened edge to slightly widen the roadway in Westlake. The North Olmsted section will only consist of milling and repaving.
2016 Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation with Asphalt Overlay and Catch Basin Rehab on Various Streets
The City of Westlake will contract out a bid to perform pavement rehabilitation on Balmoral and Carriage Park Subdivisions. The improvements to these subdivisions will involve the milling of the existing asphalt pavement, and repair of any remaining damaged concrete pavement, drainage structures and then provide an asphalt overlay to the entire area. This year’s contract will also include miscellaneous catch basin and concrete repairs to over 100 structures throughout the City.
2016 Pavement Crack and Joint Sealing Hot Applied
The City of Westlake will contract out a bid for crack sealing on various asphalt roadways throughout the City. The sealant is applied to cracks in the pavement to prevent the migration of water into the pavement, which during freeze cycles damages the roadway. This is another cost effective preventative maintenance technique used by the City to maintain quality road surfaces for the traveling public. View full listing of roadways
2016 Waterline Replacement and Roadway Rehabilitation on Bradley Rd (Center Ridge Rd to Hilliard Blvd)
The City of Westlake will contract out a bid to perform installation of a new 12 inch water main complete with new fire hydrants and valve service connections. Included with this program will be the rehabilitation of the entire roadway along with various storm and sanitary sewer point repairs.
Canterbury and Detroit Road Intersection Widening
The City of Westlake will contract out a bid to widen Detroit Rd. to 5 lanes which will consist of two through lanes in each direction and a center turn lane. Canterbury Rd. will be widened to three lanes one through lane in each direction and a center turn lane. New water mains, storm sewers and traffic signals are included, along with the rehabilitation of the existing sanitary sewer.
Detroit Rd Resurfacing, CUY-254, PID#:95891
The City of Westlake in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Transportation will contract out a federally funded bid that consists of the removal and replacement of the top 3 inches of asphalt on Detroit Rd. (Corp Line to Corp Line). Also, included are catch basins, curb and handicap ramp repairs and the restriping of the roadway to meet federal standards.
2015 Substantially Completed Projects
City Wide Traffic Signal Upgrade
The City of Westlake in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Transportation has awarded the above contract to Perram Electric, Inc. This federally funded project has upgraded all the traffic signals and poles throughout the City. The Upgrade has used energy efficient signals along with interconnecting the signals with fiber optic cables, to monitor and promote better traffic flow though out the City. The contractor is replacing computer software and should be in working order by June of 2016.
Service Department Salt Storage Facility and Tipping Pad
The City of Westlake hired Miller Builders to complete the Salt Storage Facility which included demolishing the old wood framed salt barn and constructing a larger storage building with a high arch gambrel truss system and a metal roof. This building also included an overhang for storage. The Tipping Pad structure was a pre-engineered fabric building with galvanized steel framing. The intent of the structure is to allow the Service Department to transfer unsuitable material from a dump truck to a dumpster in a controlled environment, to fulfill various EPA Mandates.
Magazine Highlights Westlake Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Project

The city's Sanitary Interceptor Rehabilitation Project is the subject of an article in Underground Construction Magazine. Read article
Magazine Highlights Westlake Sewer Program

The city's Sewer Rehabilitation Program is the subject of an article in the Municipal Sewer & Water Magazine. Read article
Related links
Westlake Engineering Department's manuscript from the 2008 Water Environment Federation's Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, View official copy
The city received an Honorable Mention in Trenchless Technology Magazine for the Sanitary Interceptor Rehabilitation project. Read article
Director of Engineering Robert P. Kelly, P.E. and Field Engineer James J. Smolik, P.E. made a PowerPoint presentation on “Lessons Learned during Sewer Rehabilitation on Public and Private Property” at the 2014 Pumper & Cleaner International Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana. View PowerPoint presentation
Grading Permits
Grading permits are $50. You will need a grading permit any time you are changing the grade in your yard. For example, excessive landscaping; putting in an in-ground pool; adding dirt, yard drains and swales; building a mound, addition, etc. may change the grade.
A sketch with grade elevations is required to obtain a grading permit.
Notify the Westlake Engineering Department 24 hours prior to beginning any construction at 440.617.4145.
Flat Work Concrete or Asphalt
2015 Cold Weather Concrete Pours are in Place Details
In order to place flat work concrete or asphalt within the city of Westlake, you must obtain a permit at the Engineering Department, Westlake City Hall, 27700 Hilliard Boulevard.
List of required permits:
Permits for sidewalk, driveway, apron and patio will require a sketch for Engineering Department review.
Permit Form
Conditions of Permit Wavier form
Newly passed ordinances regarding driveways, driveway expansions, and aprons
Permits for garage floors are issued through the Building Department. Cost is $25.25.
New sidewalks and drives (typically new homes), new patios (flat work only), and commercial parking lot overlays: $50 fee
New or rehabilitation to drive aprons or walkways, rehabilitation to sidewalks, driveways, or patios (flat work only): $15 fee
Conditions of Concrete Permits:
24-hour notice is required prior to ALL inspections
Inspections required: Mobilization and after forms are set
No dumping/obstructing street with material (Code 311-01"D)
Plywood is required to be laid on city streets during all work activities
*All sidewalks and aprons that are concrete must remain concrete.
Storm/Sanitary Repair
Storm and Sanitary repair outside of 5’ from the home may be applied for through our Engineering Dept., this work includes but is not limited to Back Flow Valves, Cleanout Installation,
Exterior Sump Crock, Exterior Sump Pump, Storm and Sanitary Line Repair
A sketch of the work is required to obtain a Sewer Permit Application
Notify the Westlake Engineering Department 24 hours prior to beginning any construction at 440.617.4145.
Permit for Street Opening, Home Demolition, Boring and Public Utility work
- There is a deposit due with this permit, which varies from $500 on up, depending on the amount of work to be done.
- To obtain this permit, you must submit a plan/drawing(s) for the engineer's approval.
- Notify the Westlake Engineering Department 24 hours prior to beginning any construction at 440.617.4145.
*All street openings must be repaired within 48 hours.
Permit for Curb Cuts
- There is a $50 minimum fee for a new curb cut. If the cut is more than 25 linear feet, the fee is: Linear feet x $2 = amount due.
- For widening an existing curb cut, there is a minimum fee of $25. If the cut is more than 12.5 linear feet, the fee is: Linear feet x $2 = amount due.
- A sketch is required to obtain a curb cut permit.
- Notify the Westlake Engineering Department 24 hours prior to beginning any construction at 440.617.4145.
Erosion and Siltation Control
Construction Site Erosion & Siltation Control Guidebook
Waterproofing guidelines
New Home Construction
House Topo guidelines
Footer Elevation form
Chapter 1111
Ordinance No. 1978-47
Section G
Resign Guide Chart
Retention Basin Construction
Retention Basin Slotted Crain w/ Paved Gutter
Standard Design Form
GIS - Geographic Information System
GIS, a layered map system, is updated weekly.
It provides detailed maps of Westlake's property,
infrastructure, zoning and much more. To access GIS,
click here.
FEMA Rate Maps
Street Maps
Crocker Park
Land Subdivision
Land Subdivision map
City's Five-Year Capital Plan 2007 – 2011
Schedule of Capital Project Expenditures – Issue 11 Funds